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Support the MCW School of Pharmacy

Abigail Scher, Development Director

We are so grateful for your continued academic guidance to our students and their pharmacy careers. As our program continues to grow, our students and faculty are also in need of philanthropic support for priorities that will help us implement our mission to build healthier communities in our region. A few of our priorities include:

Scholarships for Students of All Backgrounds

Potential pharmacy students are faced with an incredible financial barrier – the average debt for a student graduating from pharmacy school is currently over $144,000. MCW is committed to raising funds for scholarship support, including scholarships for academic merit, diversity, and financial need.

Building an Innovative Learning Space

Our curriculum features a unique, hands-on approach to learning through interactive classroom design and labs focused on telehealth technology, sterile product preparation and point-of-care training requiring a significant investment in space, technology, and learning tools. Support for learning space and tools to use in our instruction and research will truly help MCW prepare the pharmacist of the future.

For more information about these philanthropic priorities or others, please contact Abby Scher, Development Director, at 414-955-2870 or, or please visit our MCW School of Pharmacy Giving Page. Thank you for your continued support to our program!

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