Here is a summary of the OEE absence policy for your quick reference. The complete student absence policy can be found in the MCW Student & Preceptor Experiential Education Handbook found in CORE ELMS.
It is the student’s responsibility to notify the preceptor and OEE of ALL absences.
Unplanned absence:
Students are expected to communicate with their preceptor and OEE they will not be at rotation.
Student and preceptor agree on a makeup plan, and the student documents this in CORE ELMS.
Make up hours can be completed on weekends, evenings or additional projects can be assigned.
Planned absence:
These include weddings or family obligations.
Student must receive prior approval from OEE and the preceptor.
All missed hours must be made up and the plan documented in CORE ELMS.
Unexcused absence:
Employment is not considered an appropriate reason for absence from experiential rotations.
In the case of a “no call, no show” situation, please call the Office of Experiential Education immediately.
Excused absence:
The following do not need to be made up but must be approved by OEE:
Personal Professional Development days
ASHP Midyear Meeting & Clinical Exhibition
APPE Seminar
MCW Holidays/Breaks
MCW Sponsored Pharmacy Events