Can I Be Excused?
It is interviewing season again, so it is a good time to review details from the Student Handbook outlining procedures for requests for time off from rotation.
Students will be able to request personal professional days (PPD) off from rotation for the following:
Interviews (e.g., residency, fellowship, graduate school, or employment)
Attendance at professional conferences
Participation in advocacy events
These hours are counted as excused absences, and the completion of additional rotation days, make-up days, or projects are not required unless professional development days exceed the allowances listed below.
Students will be able to request:
IPPE/IPE – 4 PPD days over the course of Years 1 and 2
APPE – 6 PPD days over the course of Year 3, utilizing no more than 2 days per rotation block
Students are expected to submit an Absence Request Form for preceptor and Office of Experiential Education review no later than 14 calendar days prior to the PPD activity. The Office of Experiential Education will review the absence request, in consultation with the student’s preceptor, and will provide a final decision within seven calendar days of receipt.
Students must make up all absences beyond those allotted for personal professional development. A plan to make up these absences will be determined by the student’s preceptor in conjunction with the Office of Experiential Education. This may include working on weekends, evenings, and/or the completion of additional projects.