Free MHFA Certification - Sign Up Today!
The entire OEE team has completed the Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) training and agree it is as valuable as CPR training. MHFA is a globally applied training program that helps the participant learn how to support individuals who may be facing mental health crises including panic attacks, suicidal ideation, non-suicidal self-injurious behaviors, opiate overdose, and acute psychosis. A positive of the MHFA program is the emphasis on self-care for the mental health first aider.
The grant-funded virtual courses are open to any healthcare professional in Wisconsin through June 2024. There is no cost to obtain this three-year certification. Use the link below to sign up. Note: new course dates are added approximately one month in advance.
MHFA sign-up link: (
If you are interested in learning more about MHFA, please contact Kevin Bozymski at
Kevin Bozymski, PharmD, is an Assistant Professor at the MCW School of Pharmacy as well as the School of Medicine Department of Psychiatry & Behavioral Medicine.